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Flashmare's aqua tips glow! I tried to make it like the edges of the spines and stuff glow, like the real one.
Colour of Bands Used:
Ocean blue (jelly)

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Here she issssssss! The one and only Nightmare! The only flight mare with purple eyes and can not glow ;)
Colour of Bands Used:
Navy blue (jelly)
Ocean blue (jelly)

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Finished! She's soo cute ((<3)) (that's a heart beating, if you were wondering)
Her eyes are tri-toned.
And, her name is Brightmare, thanks Fungirl!

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Now onto the body!

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The legs are to tiny.... I thought they would be bigger <('_')>

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The legs are to tiny.... I thought they would be bigger <('_')>

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Here are Le Wings XD

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Hi, everyone! Today I deside I should make something a little different........ so here you have it. Pink-and-Purple Flightmare!

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