tutorials January 15, 2018
Hi EVERYONE and today im goung to do a TYPHOOMERANG TUTORIAL!!!! ok so im going to do the band count. you will at lease need one pack of red and white, (i have red but i dont have white so im useing clear bands). so just follow the picture. for the wing ridges you will double loop some bands and ill tell you. Very first TOP wing ridge, you will rap a single band around 4 times on your hook and then double loop one time and stick it on the first wing peg. SECOND wing ridge, (its just going to be 4 times when wraping a cap band), then doubble loop 2 single bands and stick it on the peg. THIRD wing ridge, cap on your band raping it around 4times and again doing a single doubble looped band and stick it on the peg. FOURTH wing ridge last one, do your cap band on your hook and go down 2 time single band doubble looped then add 2 bands, slide on the 2 single doubble looped bands and put it on the last peg. DONT FORGET TO ADD SINGLE DOUBBLE LOOPED HORIZONTILE BANDS BEFOR YOU START LOOPING! when you start looping. loop the wing ridges FIRST then loop the rest. when done tie of with three randome bands. do the exact same thing but on the same side. once done go to part TWO. thats when we are going to the the legs and tail.
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LittletigerDONT FORGET TO ADD THE LITTLE CLAW! do a single black band on your hook and do one single
doubbled black band on your hook then put it on the 4 peg see it on the picture.