da_loom_cat's picture
da_loom_cat offline
Just like looming.
I'm so bad at Loomigurumi ;-;
Keep Calm and Loom On!
-^ w ^-

a smol little strawberry boba neko~
Hope ya like it ^^

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a smol wreath ring/charm
Hope you like it! :D

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my little snek ^^
(and yes, the tongue is touching the tail. Don't ask.)

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Basically, I made a flower charm and put it on a ring with autumn leaf colors.

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Oops... I mixed up yellow and orange >o<`

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I think it reached the 7th floor.
(P.S. There's a blanket underneath the loom, and it kinda looks like more loom than I actually did.)

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My first loom creations! (other than normal loom bracelets)

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